
How To Make An Anti-Dandruff Herbal Hair Rinse

Natural hair treatments are great. They’re very good for the hair, contain very little chemicals and of course, some are much cheaper depending on the treatment you choose. Below is a ‘how to’ guide on making an anti-dandruff herbal hair rinse.

For this mix you will need – a handful of lavender, nettle, rosemary, thyme and either 2 tbsp of lemon juice (if hair is oily) or vinegar (if hair is dry).

Boil 250ml of water and then add the mixture of lavender, nettle, rosemary and thyme. Make sure to stir, cover and steep for around 30 minutes. Then strain the mixture and add your choice between vinegar or lemon juice. When applying to your hair, do so after you have shampooed and/or conditioned.

This entry was posted on December 22, 2014, in News.

How To Prepare Hair For Braiding

Got an appointment booked to get your hair braided? There’s a few steps we recommended you take, before you arrive to your appointment. You want your hair to be in good, strong condition, so it can take pressure and trauma. Hairdressers usually don’t spend time in untangling your hair gently, so it’s more likely your hair is going to break thanks to their next best option – blow drying.

Make sure you thoroughly wash and condition your hair. After this is done, detangle your hair yourself thoroughly. After you’ve detangled, moisturise with oil so it remains soft. After this is done, blow dry your hair on a cool setting.

If you have detangled and blow dried your hair enough to make it easy to braid, then you can request your hairdresser not blow dry again.

This entry was posted on August 22, 2014, in News.

Couple of easy do hairstyles

A couple of styles that have been seen on the runways of Paris are actually some of the easiest styles to accomplish.
The ponytail bun can be a laid back or professional hairdo. You create this style with dry hair and begin by creating a centre parting. You then pull your hair into a low ponytail and secure in place with a hair bobble. However, don’t pull of your hair through; you need to leave some of it in the bobble to create the bun.
For something more professional, it looks better to pull the hair back tightly, rather than loosely, and have it slick back. If you have shorter hairs at the front, you can either let these loose by your face, or pin them back with crocodile clips. Then finish with hairspray.
For a more relaxed look you can start off by using some salt spray through your loose hair before tying back, don’t pull your hair back tightly this time. This will create a messier more fun look.

This entry was posted on July 27, 2014, in News.