Fading your beard at home

You can now buy professional clippers to use at home for great prices and more gents are trimming their beards at home, because if you need a beard trim every week it could be getting quite expensive visiting your barber. To create a smooth fade from your hair to your beard, you simply need to start with the number on the clippers that matches your hair. So if you have a number 2 on the sides, go for the number 2 on the clippers and just start high up where the hair meets the beard. Then you need to go a little lower with a number 3, and a little lower after that with a number 4. If your beard is very long at the bottom and you like it that way—many guys do right now— then you can trim the bottom part with scissors. The fade is easy to do at home, but it does require a calm hand as well as patience.

This entry was posted on June 15, 2016, in Trends.

Highlights – A no go for men

It was a bit of a trend in the early 2000s, many male celebrities had blonde highlights running through their hair, and one of them was the ever popular David Beckham! The only man you ever see with this style now is Barnie Simpson from How I Met Your Mother, and that shows is very last year.

Blonde highlights have always given guys a bit of a ‘pretty boy’ or ‘boy band’ look and we’ve now moved into the stage where rugged looks are popular. It’s all about big bushy beards and it doesn’t look like there’s any way back for the clean-shaven face with a head of highlights. I think many guys will look back and laugh at how embarrassing it was for many years to come.

This entry was posted on May 20, 2016, in News.

Mobile hairdressing and why I love it

For me, mobile hairdressing is more than just a job; it’s a way of life. I couldn’t image waking up each day without going to visit one my favourite clients in the comfort of their own home. Having been a mobile hairdresser for many years now, I’ve built up a huge list of clients, more so than I would in a salon. I’m essentially a freelance hairdresser, and even though I don’t spend much time with other stylists I’ve remained up to speed with the latest techniques in the industry. I’ve carried out technical styles like fishtails, Ombres and fades, whilst my list of male clients has started to pick up a lot too. I never enjoyed going to work in a salon, but it wasn’t because of the job itself, it was because the clients weren’t relaxed, but they are when I pay them visit in their own home.

This entry was posted on April 27, 2016, in Salons.

Gents, how often do you get your hair cut?

Ever wondered whether you’re getting your hair cut too often? Don’t worry we all have. It really does depend on the style you have, because as we know, men with a short buzz cut will feel like their hair is too long in a matter of days. Other guys may have medium to long hair, and they may be able to go a month or more before they feel their next cut is due. If you’re familiar with long and short hair, you may be able to maintain a style for a longer period of time, perhaps going from short spikes to a brushed back look in a matter of weeks. Most men get their hair cut at least once a month, but you can save money and opt for a longer style, you’ll just need to master some styling techniques first.

Go for Experts in Hair Care Northampton

When it comes to looking good, women are more concerned than men. As a woman you know that looking beautiful is important. It boosts your self-confidence. Maintaining a good hairdo is one of the things that you should do to look elegant. Getting the best stylist is the first step to having a good hairstyle. Therefore, you should make such that you choose a salon that offers you with quality services. Why should you choose hair care Northampton? Always make sure that you choose services that you are comfortable with you. There are some things that you should consider before you settle for a given hair services.


This is an important consideration when you are looking for hair care Northampton. This will play a bigger role in the decision that you will make. The price will depend on the services that you need. You can do research on the various salons to come up with the affordable price. However, you will be required to cough out a little extra if you want to get service of a professional. You can ask your friends the spa where they get their hair done. It will be easier to know the price before going to have your beauty services there. This is because they have used those stylists. Continue reading

This entry was posted on February 23, 2016, in Salons.