Maintaining your hairstyle when travelling

Travelling is about new experiences and for many people it’s a new way of life whereby you live rougher than you would back home and don’t have the luxuries of high-end hair products or even a haircut from your favourite individual. You have to find ways to maintain a hairstyle yourself, and if you’re a guy this is actually quite easy. The slick back look is strong right now, and many people opt for this look or man buns so that it’s easy to control on a daily basis. For women with long hair, you may want to consider a bun on top of your head. It’s not the best look but it will keep the hair out of your face and make it stay fresher for longer, whilst tired highlights can be hidden in the bun so you probably look better than you would with it down! Simple but effective.

This entry was posted on October 6, 2017, in Trends. Bookmark the permalink.