The Best Way To Maintain Healthy Dreadlocks

If you have dreadlocks, it’s important to know how to maintain them properly. So we’ve created this article to help you and your locks!

Wash your hair weekly – For your dreads to stay healthy and lock well, they need to be clean. A weekly wash is recommended and what’s great is you can use any type of shampoo on the hair as long as it’s non-residue.

We also recommend conditioning as it’s vital in maintaining the shine and health of your dreadlocks. Of all the conditioning formulas tested, we’ve found an apple cider vinegar rinse as the most effective mix to help your dreadlocks look at its best.

For night time, we recommend wrapping your hair with a night scarf as locks shed a lot, meaning that protecting your scalp and edges is extremely important.

This entry was posted on November 24, 2014, in Trends. Bookmark the permalink.